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Brookfield PTFA is a registered charity and our aim is to raise additional funds to help improve and maintain the resources available to the children at our school, therefore enhancing their learning experience.

All parents and carers of children who attend Brookfield are members of the PTFA and are welcome to attend meetings and to help at any of our events if they would like to.  We host a number of fun and exciting events throughout the year such as school discos, cake sales, Christmas Fete, Summer Fete and more!  We are always looking for new ideas and suggestions so please do get in touch if you have a new event that you would be interested in introducing.

We hold casual meetings at intervals throughout the year where we encourage new volunteers to join us to discuss upcoming events and new fundraising ideas.  We are an extremely friendly team and all new ideas for future events or fundraising initiatives are particularly welcome. We have also set up class What's App groups and class reps. This is a handy too for parents and the PTFA to share information. If you are not part part of your child's class What's App group and you would like to join it, please get in touch. 

These events can only take place and be as successful with help and support from everyone; our parents/carers, children and staff.  If you would like to know more or would like to get more involved, please email us at

 We look forward to hearing from you!