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Did you know you are already a member of Brookfield Primary Academy’s Parents, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA)?

The Parents, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA) at Brookfield is a voluntary organisation made up of parents/carers and school staff working together to support the school in whatever way we can - primarily our focus is on fundraising for the school but not solely.

Amongst other things the fundraising efforts from the PTFA in the last two years have raised thousands of pounds for the school via a variety of school and community events. Some of the things the PTFA have helped fund include: a new storage shed, break time fruit for KS2, class wishlists, contributions towards travel for school trips, and a professional pantomime for the entire school to enjoy. We are currently in the process of helping to fund new shade sails for the playground. 

We hold casual meetings at intervals throughout the year where we encourage new volunteers to join us to discuss upcoming events and new fundraising ideas.  We are an extremely friendly team and all new ideas for future events or fundraising initiatives are particularly welcome. We have also set up class What's App groups and class reps. This is a handy too for parents and the PTFA to share information. If you are not part part of your child's class What's App group and you would like to join it, please get in touch. 

We always need volunteers to help organise, lead and support activities or events so please, even if you have a small amount of time to contribute, do get in touch.  It’s great fun and very rewarding to be involved in something that will directly help your child.  Please email us in to get involved. 

We look forward to welcoming you to the team and working with you.

Kind regards

Colin, Gemma, Serena, Jackie, Rachel and Jess. 

Brookfield PTFA