Safeguarding Team

If you have any concerns about a child with regard to Safeguarding or Child Protection issues you should contact:

Name Role
Mrs Rachel Teixeira Vice Principal, Designated Safeguarding Lead


Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leaders (Deputy DSLs)

Name role
Mrs Rachel Townsend  Principal, Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Miss Jessica Reeve Office Manager, Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Ms Cerez Emille  Early Years Lead, Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Ms Samantha Feist Extended Schools Manager, Deputy Safeguarding Lead


The Academy Committee Trustee for Safeguarding and Inclusion

Name Role

Mrs Sally Hodgson

Academy Committee Member


Peter Cook, the Chair of the Academy Committee, should be contacted in the event of a concern regarding the Principal


Children's First Contact Service (CFCS)

CFCS is a single, quick and easy referral and assessment pathway to access Children’s Social Care in the London borough of Sutton. 



Out of hours number: 



If you have a concern about a child and would like to make a referral to CFCS, please follow the link below:

Make a CFCS Referral Here