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Our Curriculum

At Brookfield Primary Academy, we aim to foster a lifelong love of learning, through an evidence- informed curriculum which is ambitious for all, (particularly the most disadvantaged and those with special educational needs), balanced, well-sequenced (from EYFS to year 6 with knowledge of KS3 so that pupils can build increasingly rich schemata as they move through the primary years) and diverse. This enables pupils to develop 'cultural capital.' 

Using the national curriculum and the EYFS framework as a starting point, our curriculum is well-structured, using  digital skills and technology to transform teaching and learning by improving accessibility, encouraging pupils’ confidence and creativity and supporting staff.  The academic achievement, wellbeing and character development of our learners is at the heart of our ‘curriculum offer’ and we regularly review our provision to ensure that it is relevant, engaging and challenging for all.  Curriculum planning enables learners to make connections and interconnections in order to ensure that knowledge (substantive) and skills (disciplinary) are learned progressively to reach agreed end points. Lessons enabling retrieval practice (reviewing previously taught objectives), formative assessment, metacognition and opportunities for teachers/support staff to address misconceptions, means that learning is moved from the short term memory and embedded into long term memory so that learners know more, remember more and do more.  Our curriculum draws on the knowledge of successful evidence informed strategies, is used in conjunction with the LEO Teaching and Learning Strategy and is enhanced by the five LEO Pupil Outcomes: 

  • Active Citizens in a Global community

  • Self - directed, collaborative and confident learners

  • Innovative learners who pursue excellence

  • Healthy learners who make small changes with a big impact

  • Leaders of today; life long learners

The context and relevance for learners in our school is considered when planning relevant learning and meaningful wider opportunities, so as to maximise each child’s ‘cultural capital’. Enhanced by the LEO vision of Learning, Excellence and Opportunity, Brookfield prides itself in offering an extensive range of extra-curricular and enrichment activities for learners within and beyond the LEO Academy Trust. Our pupils will have many opportunities to enhance and enrich their learning throughout their time here. We offer a range of clubs to our pupils, which vary from music and coding to dance and art. We want our pupils to learn new skills, develop self-belief and self-confidence, and have fun!

While reading is our golden thread, our curriculum focuses on building foundations in all subjects, especially early reading and language acquisition.  We endeavour to provide our pupils with opportunities that they may not have exposure to in everyday life. 

We pride ourselves in developing the whole child and preparing them for the next stage of their learning, including the use of digital technologies, sustainability and twenty-first century skills.  We want every pupil to achieve well, learn together, celebrate diversity and be globally aware.

National Curriculum in England: Primary Curriculum

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